4.2 Problems Encountered by Teachers Switching to Chinese-Medium Instruction


In the Teacher Questionnaire, there were five questions concerning instructional problems that teachers may encounter in the change process. The result indicates that about 50% of the teachers perceive some or many problems in all instructional matters except that of deciding the teaching scope and schedule. (see Table 4.2.) The latter problem has an obviously lower percentage of 24.6%. This may be because teachers, by and large, follow suggestions provided in official Curriculum Guides.


Table 4.2: Instructional Problems Encountered by Teachers

Item Problem No Some Much Valid cases
11a Select textbook 53.9% 36.9% 9.2% 1569
12a Decide teaching scope and schedule 75.3% 21.4% 3.2% 1586
13a Obtain teaching aids and materials 45.7% 43.9% 10.4% 1585
14a Use subject-specific Chinese vocabulary in teaching 55.9% 38.6% 5.5% 1598
15a Set test and exercise 46.4% 44.0% 9.5% 1596


4.2.1 Textbooks and other instructional materials


Selecting textbooks and obtaining instructional materials are similar areas and high percentages of teachers report experiencing problems with both are 46.1% and 54.3% respectively. The slightly lower percentage for textbook selection may be due to the fact that, in practice, not all teachers are directly responsible for, or even involved in, textbook selection. Hence, fewer teachers are concerned about this matter.

When questioned further about the cause of problems in textbook selection (Q.11b), the majority of teachers (74.3%) regard the cause as being that most Chinese-medium textbooks are translated from English and 40% regard the content of Chinese-medium textbooks as being too simple. (See Table 4.2.1a.)


Table 4.2.1a: Causes of Problem in Selecting Textbooks

11b Cause Yes No
Most are translated from English 74.3% 25.7%
Content of textbooks are too simple 40.0% 60.0%
Other causes 41.0% 59.0%

41% (i.e. 240 respondents) of the teachers indicated the problem in selecting textbooks as “other causes”. Content analysis was conducted on their responses. The response of each case was analyzed into single cause statements. (Note that each teacher may state more than one cause in the response.) Cause statements with similar themes were put together to form a category and their theme identified and labeled. Statements representing less popular or idiosyncratic causes, or statements without clear meaning, were put together under the category labeled “OTHERS.” Table 4.2.1b is a summary of the results.


Table 4.2.1b: Results of Content Analysis of Other Causes to Problem in Selecting Textbooks

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme

FEW CHOICES - few options in the market to choose from.

Some example statements are given below:

坊間可供選擇的中文編寫教科書、參考教材(如參考書、教學軟件)太少。』 (Teacher ID 38, italic added)

『坊間中文教科書較少,不及英文教科書資料較多。』 (Teacher ID 293)

中文書太少選擇,且翻釋不多準確,用詞不十分恰當情況常有。』(Teacher ID 283, italic added)


POOR QUALITY - quality of the available textbooks is poor, for example, content outdated or boring, inadequate or poorly designed exercises, poor writing skill.

Some example statements are given below:

1. 內容零碎,編排不恰當,未能達到簡要之要求。2. 所設的題目欠生活化及討論價值。』(Teacher ID 327)

『中文教科書()有配套,相應工作做得不足以致失去了以中文作媒介應較親切的優勢。』(Teacher ID 1451)

『很多作者的中文寫作能力欠佳。』(Teacher ID 1553)


TRANSLATION PROBLEM - textbooks are poorly translated or content of translated version is inappropriate in CMI context, for example, poor writing style resulted from poor translation skill, inconsistent or poorly translated terms, or content too simple in CMI context.

Some example statements are given below:

『翻譯過來意思有出入。』(Teacher ID 515)

翻譯過來之中文文法又欠佳,以致太少選擇。』(Teacher ID 604, italic added)

一些特有的名詞未能概括地譯出英文課文的意思。可供選擇之教科書太少(種類)。』(Teacher ID 1334, italic added)


OTHERS - other unclassified miscellaneous causes or meaning of statement not clear.



The problem becomes clear when Table 4.2.1a and Table 4.2.1b are examined side by side as follows:

First, there are insufficient Chinese-medium textbooks on the market for teachers to choose from. Of the few that are available, the quality is poor; and a significant aspect of the poor quality is associated with translation. In other words, one of the main problems with Chinese medium textbooks is that they are translated or adapted from an English version, rather than developed specifically for mother tongue instruction.

Poor translation can result in different problems in the translated text. Those identified by teachers include substandard writing style in the translated text, inaccurate expression, and the content being inappropriate to mother tongue instruction context. (See Table 4.2.1b for examples.)

The problem of inadequate choice of textbooks is indicative of the fact that before the nineties, the Chinese-medium textbook market was very undeveloped. Publishers invested little in the development of Chinese-medium textbooks because the then Chinese Middle schools represented only a small and diminishing market. Now, to cope with the recent expansion of CMI, the most efficient and low cost approach to the publication of Chinese-medium textbooks is to translate from the existing English versions.

The nature of the problem in obtaining appropriate instructional aids and materials is similar to that of selecting textbooks. The predominant problem is the lack of materials specifically catering for CMI contexts. (See Table 4.2.1c.)

Table 4.2.1c: Causes of Problem in Obtaining Teaching Aids and Materials

13b Cause



Lack material specifically designed for CMI in the market



Other causes




Just below 10% (i.e. 69 respondents) of the teachers who reported experiencing problems in obtaining instructional aids reported “other causes” of the problem. Content analysis of responses to Q.13b reveals another factor worth noting. Some teachers reported that they have limited time, knowledge, and clerical support for producing new materials in Chinese-medium or searching for appropriate materials. Moreover, teachers are not provided with additional resources from the school or Education Department. (see Table 4.2.1d.)


Table 4.2.1d Results of Content Analysis of Other Causes of Problem in Obtaining Teaching Aids and Materials

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme

MARKET SHORTAGE - There is insufficient appropriate Chinese-medium materials in the market. The problem is due to the fact that in the past most teaching aids were produced for English-medium instruction. Some examples are given below:

『所有輔助光碟以英文為主。』(Teacher ID 1687)

『互聯網也很少中文的資料。』(Teacher ID 1053)

『在校內和自己收藏的資料絕大部份是英文的。』(Teacher ID 1118)


TEACHERS' LIMITATIONS - Problem is due to the fact that teachers have limited time, knowledge, and clerical support to produce anew or search for appropriate Chinese-medium materials. Some examples are given below:

『對市面上之教材認識不足。』(Teacher ID 10)

『花時間自訂(製造)教材。』(Teacher ID 61)

『教師自製時能涉及文書處理功夫,而教師非此類專才。』(Teacher ID 1163)


INADEQUATE RESOURCES - Problem is due to the fact that teachers are provided with little financial support or other material resources from school or Education Department for acquiring and maintaining anew Chinese-medium instructional materials. Some examples are given below:

1. 老師實在太忙。2. 校方撥給各科之資源不足(如購置教材之經費)。』(Teacher ID 1499, italic added)

『教署未有提供最新的資料及教材。』(Teacher ID 488)

『書商未能配合出書的速度,本校沒有歷史房,難「收容」模型。』(Teacher ID 1097)


OTHERS - Other unclassified miscellaneous causes, or meaning of statement not clear.



4.2.2 Planning and Classroom Instruction

Questions relating to instructional planning and classroom instruction are:


Q.12 planning of teaching scope and schedule;

Q.14 use of subject-specific Chinese vocabulary in classroom teaching; and

Q.15 setting tests and exercises.

Regarding planning, the most salient problem is setting tests and exercises. (53.5% of the teachers reported experiencing some or a lot of problems. See Table 4.2) Responses to Q.15b suggest that the following three areas are all problems for a considerable number of teachers:

  1. Poor Chinese word processing skills (71% of the teachers experience problems);
  2. Being less than proficient in Chinese writing skills (57%); and
  3. Being unfamiliar with the appropriate kinds of questions, in terms of level of difficulty and style, in a CMI context (54.1%).

On the other hand, long term planning, namely, deciding the scope and schedule of teaching is a less problematic area. Slightly less than 25% of the teachers reported experiencing problems in this area.


Table 4.2.2a: Causes of Problems in Setting Tests and Exercises

15b Cause Yes No
Still trying to grasp the right kind of questions and exercises for the CMI context (in terms of the level of difficulty and question style). 54.1% 45.9%
Less than proficient Chinese writing skills. 57.0% 43.0%
Less than proficient Chinese word-processing skills. 71.0% 29.0%
Other causes 12% 88%

A survey of the descriptive responses to Q.15b (Other causes of problem in setting tests and exercises) indicates that many of the respondents are just reiterating problems already represented by the given options in the question. Some example statements are:


『尚在估計所需題目的數量,因為不知道學生以中文作答時是否較省時。』 (Teacher ID 827)

『大學時少用中文寫作,故字眼運用方面流於口語化。』 (Teacher ID 1113)

『中文文書處理較英文的困難及花時間。』 (Teacher ID 1171)

However, some unanticipated issues do come up in teachers’ responses. One problem raised by some teachers is that there are insufficient reference materials for setting examination questions and exercises. This reflects the fact that often teachers do not design questions from anew but adopt or modify existing materials. Some example statements are:

『坊間太少以中文編寫的習作,試題參考。』 (Teacher ID 0694)

『參考的資料多源自英語版本,需要翻譯。』 (Teacher ID 0287)

Another issue worth noting is that some teachers have to prepare two papers for each examination; one in English and another in Chinese. This is because their schools have adopted MOI streaming by class or by students. That is, some schools offer both Chinese-medium classes and English-medium classes in certain grades, whereas others provide students in the same class with a choice of doing the examination in either English or Chinese. These policies have the merit of allowing students more curricular choices. However, this results in an increased workload for teachers. Some example statements reflecting this practice are:

『中英文版本須相同,一級要出兩卷非常吃力。』 (Teacher ID 1552)

『需中英對照,因不是全部學生用中文。』 (Teacher ID 0283)

Regarding classroom teaching, 44.1% of the respondents experience problems in classroom presentation due to lack of familiarity with content-specific Chinese vocabulary. (See Table 4.2.) Most teachers attribute the cause to the fact that their own academic training was in EMI. This is likely to be the fundamental cause since this is where teachers learnt the subject specific language. (See Table 4.2.2b.)


Table 4.2.2b: Causes to Problem in Classroom Presentation

14b Cause Yes No
My own study was primarily in EMI. 83.9% 16.1%
Used to teach in English. 38.9% 61.1%
Used to teach in mixed code. 45.1% 54.1%
Other causes 11.3% 88.7%

Though only 11.3 % (73 respondents) of those teachers who reported problems in classroom presentation mentioned other causes in Q.14b, the findings of the content analysis are revealing. (See Table 4.2.2c.) Many teachers of different subjects contend that Chinese terminology lacks standardization, thus causing confusion. Others complain that some Chinese terms are literally incomprehensible, partly due to the fact that they are translated terms. In particular, the category‘Computer Curriculum’ is set up to include causes connected with the teaching of computer related subjects. This category is created to highlight the fact that there are obviously more computer teachers reporting problems in this area (i.e. classroom presentation). They argue that computer-related concepts are commonly communicated in English. Moreover, the translated Chinese terms are not standardized and hence are confusing. This phenomenon can be understood as stemming from the fact that computer technology has primarily been developed in the English speaking world. A survey of the responses suggests that the computer teachers are but one group stating subject-specific language as a source of problems. Teachers of other school subjects (e.g. mathematics, geography, chemistry, etc.) put forward similar arguments. This reveals that besides language proficiency of students and teachers, the nature of school subjects could also be a factor in the consideration of MOI policy.


Table 4.2.2c: Other Causes of Problem in Classroom Teaching

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme

PROBLEM WITH CHINESE VOCABULARY - Problem is due to the fact that often Chinese terminology is not standardized, or teachers regard the translated Chinese terms difficult to comprehend.

Some example statements are given below:

『有部份中文名詞沒有統一的「官方答案」,有多於兩個以上的中文名。』(Teacher ID 699)

『在數學概念中,教師難以用中文解釋。如:英文:index , power, base相對,中文:指數,幕、底、但「幕」一字,的意思並不明確。』(Teacher ID 1117)

『有些翻譯字眼不及英語名詞。』(Teacher ID 1593)


TEACHERS' LIMITATION – Problem is due to the fact that teachers themselves acquire the academic language in English and thus are not proficient in teaching inChinese.

Some example statements are given below:

『自己的中文程度欠佳,因中六起已沒有修讀任何中文科目。』(Teacher ID 614)

『書面語和白字較多。』(Teacher ID 189)

『不能流暢地以全中文方式表達中文課文內容及概念。』(Teacher ID 1334)




COMPUTER CURRICULUM - Problem is that computer concepts are commonly communicated in English in daily use. Moreover, the Chinese translations lack standardization. Some example statements are given below:

『有很多電腦科詞彙的中文詞彙並不流通。』(Teacher ID 36)

『電腦名詞以英文為主,中文譯法並不統一。』(Teacher ID 948)


REFERENCE MATERIALS- Problem is due to the fact that most reference material is written in English, and those in Chinese are of inferior quality.

Some example statements are given below:

『資料來源大都是英文。』(Teacher ID 123)

『中文參考書不足,質素較低。』(Teacher ID 1355)


UNINTENDED RESPONSE – Problem is due to the fact that students may have an undesirable response to the instructional process, in particular, where the topic is concerned with sensitive matters such as sex.

Some example statements are given below:

『部份名詞如用廣東話說出,學生可能有壞的聯想,影響學習氣氛。』(Teacher ID 1502)

1. 欠缺經驗2. 學生較多提問。』(Teacher ID 1592)


OTHERS Other unclassified miscellaneous reasons, or the meaning of statement not clear.



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