4.9 Suggested Services of CMI Support Centre

The Centre provides support to CMI teachers via three service modes. They are: i) organizing workshops, seminars and lectures; ii) hosting a web-site; iii) operating an information and resource centre. In this study, teachers are requested to give suggestions on the content of these services. (See Q.18 of Teacher Questionnaire.)


4.9.1 Suggestions for themes and content for workshops, seminars or lectures

557 teachers responded to the question of themes and contents for workshops(Q.18a). A 20% random sample was taken for content analysis. The responses were analyzed into single suggestion statements and then categorized. The percentage of each category was calculated. (See Table 4.9.1.)


Table 4.9.1 Teachers’ Suggestions for Themes or Content of Workshops, Seminars or Lectures

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme
ID INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN – Lesson planning and instructional resources, selection of textbooks, design of learning tasks (e.g. worksheets) or assessment tasks (e.g. examination papers), subject specific topics, and production of teaching aids. Some example statements are:

『設計及製作作業,試卷之工作坊,如何尋找以母語教學之資源 (如網頁)。』(Teacher ID 1385)

『針對某些學科的專門工作坊如實驗。』(Teacher ID 1589)

『如何利用母語教學,使學科與日常生活能有更好的聯繫。』 (Teacher ID 849)

『比較各出版社的書本內容或行文用字。』(Teacher ID 488)

IT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Use of information technology for teaching and learning (e.g. multi-media instruction, PowerPoint, Internet, educational software). Some example statements are:

『如何鼓勵學生透過電腦自學歷史。』(Teacher ID 1280)

『如何運用多媒體教學,並配合母語教學示範。』(Teacher ID 747)

『中文教學軟件介紹。』(Teacher ID 949)

LS LANGUAGE SKILLS - General Chinese language skills, writing as well as speaking, for instructional tasks, e.g. common expressions used in examination questions, common grammatical mistakes. Some example statements are:

『讀正音,寫正字,書正文工作坊。』(Teacher ID 1279)

『中文文法技巧(如用中文寫試題)。』(Teacher ID 1082)

WP WORD-PROCESSING - Word-processing or other desktop publishing techniques. Some example statements are:

『中文文書處理的訓練。』(Teacher ID 638)

『中文電腦輸入,筆記製作技巧,題目(試卷)資料庫。』 (Teacher ID 1153)

GT GENERAL THEMES - Discussion on broader themes or basic issues, e.g. the effective use of CMI, resources for CMI schools, how can CMI gain acceptance from parents. Some example statements are:

『如何與家長溝通,減輕他們對母語教學的憂慮。』(Teacher ID 826)

『中四中中轉英中的銜接問題。』(Teacher ID 1733)

TR TRANSLATION - Translating English texts, in particular, subject specific vocabulary into Chinese. The following is an example statement:

『家政科的翻譯問題,因為各教科書的詞彙未能統一。』(Teacher ID 454)

SL STUDENT LEARNING - How to capitalize on the benefits of CMI for improving student learning, how to enable higher level learning. The following is an example statement:

『如何利用母語教學優勢,以提升學習難度或程度?』(Teacher ID 503)

OT Others unclassified miscellaneous suggestions including those on program form rather than program content, and statements that are hardly comprehensible to readers. 13.9%

The greatest proportion (27.9%) of suggestions is concerned with classroom instruction and its planning and design. While most were concerned with concrete matters such as selection of textbooks, design of exercises and examination questions, a few mentioned more strategic issues; for instance, how to capitalize on the advantage of mother tongue instruction for teaching higher order thinking skills. Regarding program form, some suggested subject-based activities while others proposed experience-sharing sessions. These suggestions pertain to the expectation that the Centre will facilitate interaction among teachers so that they can learn from their peers.

Apart from word-processing, information technology was the subject of the second largest proportion (23%) of suggestions. Suggestions include input on multimedia presentation, information access via the Internet, and introducing educational software. Furthermore, 8.2% of the suggestions are on Chinese word-processing skills.

The need to improve teachers’ Chinese language skills is an area of concern represented by about 10% of the suggestions. The suggestions range from a concrete focus on wording and style in writing examination questions to a general concern with the Chinese language proficiency of teachers. Another related area is the problem of English-Chinese translation, in particular of subject specific vocabulary. This concern is represented by about 6% of the suggestions.

There are also suggestions for discussion of broader themes or more fundamental issues, for instance, parents’ concerns about CMI. About 7% of the suggestions fall into this category.


4.9.2 Suggestions on services via Internet

614 teachers respond to the suggestions on service that could be provided via internet (Q.18b). A 20% random sample is taken for content analysis as described in 4.9.1. (See Table 4.9.2.)


Table 4.9.2: Teachers’ suggestions on services provided via the Internet

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme
BD DATA BANK - collection of instructional material e.g. graphics and photos, information concerning textbooks, location of resources, and other relevant information. Some example statements are:

『與該科有關的最新數據,統計,圖片,個案。』(Teacher ID 1661)

『提供各科……一些教具的資料,購買地點,價錢等。』(Teacher ID


『中文版教科書目錄及……,各科參考書目錄。』(Teacher ID 1614)

BM ITEM BANK - collection of exercise and examination questions. Some example statements are:

『各科的中文模擬試題。』(Teacher ID 1718)

『擬定一些模擬試卷……。』(Teacher ID 568)

『各科……列出作業、作業答案,參考建議的試卷及答案……。』(Teacher ID 1170)

BI IDEA BANK - teaching ideas: lesson plans, design of instructional activities, worksheets, design of teaching aids. Some example statements are:

『提供教學活動建議,搜集並綜合與課程有關的資訊。』(Teacher ID 473)

『課程內……較困難單元的任教方法和教具設計(Teacher ID 1129)

VO VOCABULARY - Subject-based English-Chinese Glossary. 7.6%
DG DISCUSSION GROUPS - exchange of idea with peers, question and answer. 6.9%
WS WEB SITES - Links to useful web sites. 4.6%
OT OTHERS - Unclassified miscellaneous statements or meaning of statement not clear. 8.4%

Teachers appreciated the versatile and easy access to information via the Internet. Most of their suggestions (over 72%) are concerned with the setting up of databases from which teachers can select and download instructional materials for teaching. Suggested databases can be grouped into three kinds:

  1. data bank of instructional material such as photos, newspaper cuttings, statistical charts, resource information, or other material that teachers can use in their classroom instruction;
  2. item bank of exercises and examination questions;
  3. idea bank storing teaching ideas in the form of lesson plans, design of activities for teaching certain topics, or other instructional plans.

Apart from the three major categories mentioned, some teachers also suggested the provision of an English-Chinese glossary and links to other useful web sites. In addition, teachers suggested setting up discussion groups so that they can exchange ideas with their peers.


4.9.3 Suggestions on service and content of the Centre’s library

641 teachers responded to service and content of the Centre’s library (Q.18c). A 20% random sample was taken for content analysis shown in 4.9.1. (See Table 4.9.3.)


Table 4.9.3 Teachers’ Suggestions for Services and Content of the Centre’s library

Category Percent statements
Code Label & Theme
DB DATA BANK - Collection of exercises, worksheets, test items, past public examination papers; teaching ideas and relevant material such as newspaper cuttings. Some example statements are:

『各校考試卷、工作紙、習作。』 (Teacher ID 1681)

『歷屆會考 (會考及高級程度會考)的題目和評分參考資料 , 教師可隨時借閱及影印。』(Teacher ID 640)

『教案 , 活動建議。』(Teacher ID 912)

RB REFERENCES - Textbooks, reference books and other printed matter for various school subjects. Some example statements are:

……及其他使用中文教學國家的教科書。』(Teacher ID 1573)

……常用詞彙翻譯書籍 (台灣、大陸、香港等)。』(Teacher ID 1147)

MM MULTIMEDIA MATERIALS – Instructional software, CD-ROM, or videotapes. Some example statements are:

『地理科的錄影帶多是英文的,學生聽不明白可否製作多些中文版合適課題的錄影帶 (例……。』(Teacher ID 1484)

『可供學校借用的資料,如電腦軟件,高映片,錄影帶 ……。』(Teacher ID 1573)

TA TEACHING AIDS - Teaching kits, models, and other ready to use teaching aids. For example:

『其他學校的試題及一些教學上的圖片 , 地圖及教具等。』(Teacher ID 80)

OT OTHERS - Unclassified miscellaneous suggestions other than those concerned with subject specific instruction (e.g. those concerned with computer skills, or general language skills), or meaning of statement not clear. 8.6%

Suggestions about the content of material are similar to that for the web site. Most (48%) suggest that the library collects and organizes instructional material of various kinds to form data banks. In addition to this, teachers suggest that the library should have textbooks, reference books, multimedia materials, and other Chinese-medium instructional aids for loan. In particular, teachers hope to have textbooks from other Chinese speaking communities, namely, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Singapore for reference. Suggested services other than loan of instructional materials include:  

  1. telephone consultation, i.e. telephone hotline service which teachers may call for help when they come across various instructional problems,
  2. exhibitions and sales of instructional materials (e.g. CD-ROMs, audio-visual aids, etc.),
  3. on-site consultation, i.e. experts from the Centre visit schools and assist teachers in solving their particular problems, and
  4. as a venue for teachers’ interchange and sharing.

To summarize, the large number of responses from teachers reflects their concern facing the change in MOI and hence the pressing need for assistance. Their needs can be attributed to three causes, as implicated by the kind of support they ask for. First, most of them (80%) were trained in EMI contexts when they themselves were students. They lack training in Chinese writing skills in general and knowledge of discipline specific language in particular. Therefore they ask for assistance in remedying their inadequacies in these two areas. Second, they have to prepare from anew, the whole set of instructional materials for their students. This means, amongst other things, a lot of work in collecting and processing material. Hence they request the availability of data banks. With the removal of the language barrier created by EMI, students should be able to cope with more challenging materials. Teachers anticipate more demanding instructional tasks, hence they require more interesting teaching ideas and instructional materials.


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